Upcoming Events:


SPIRIT JOURNEYS radio is a live broadcast, hosted by Rita, every Tuesday night at 8:00pm EST. The show features a monthly theme in order to intentionally guide listeners towards experiencing a more purposeful journey. Rita regularly spends the hour coaching solo and other times she invites guests to share their tools and knowledge around the particular theme. The number to call in and comment is 646-652-2512. Join us! For archived shows, visit Rita’s YouTube channel by clicking the YouTube icon at the top of this page.
Click on www.mwhyradio.com for more information.

5 Day Listening Challenge

5DayChallenge I am challenging you to learn how to listen. To hear what your spirit is telling you. To realize what you are designed to do. To discern your truth from all the noise around you. What I know to be true is - when you STOP doing, and regularly dedicate time to listening, your next decision is so much easier!

Enter Access Code: 5DLC101


Listening to the Silence
Retreat at Richmond Hill richmondhillva.org

EVERY 2nd Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Let the power of God’s Presence comfort you as you enjoy quiet time a Richmond Hill.  You will be guided to find the safe space in order to invite God in.  Read passages of scripture, journal or just bask in peace, listening as God speaks to you. Use this time to reflect, respond and rest in His unwavering love. 
Plan to arrive by 8:45 with your Bible and journal. Leave cell phones in the car.

Donation is $20 with lunch, $50 Donation for Saturday Retreat. To register, call 804-783-7903

Spirit Network Coaching Call
EVERY 4th Monday 9:00pm-10:00pm

These 1 hour calls are designed to coach and motivate you to move forward strategically and purposefully in your journey.  Coaching occurs in a group setting where you can share your challenges and concerns and hear from others on how they manage.  There is a designated theme every month but members are welcomed to include other areas of discussion. You can be anywhere in the world and still participate.  You receive the conference number once you register. 

Your investment for 2015 is $99 

Spirit Journeys radio
EVERY Tuesday, 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

I host this show because it’s one more opportunity to coach you towards removing those obstacles and enjoying a fulfilling life.  You’re introduced to guests from around the Country who candidly share their experiences and lessons learned.  You can sit quietly and take notes or you can join the conversation by dialing 646-652-2512. 

Additional information at www.mwhyradio.com   

EVERY 4th Thursday, 5:30pm 

The purpose for BREATHE! Is just that……BREATHE!  Once a month, you ought to  take time for you and your posse to regroup….That’s it.  We visit restaurants around the City that you may have missed and we PUT OURSELVES FIRST.

Your only cost is what you eat and drink…….join us and BREATHE!

All programs may be registered through paypal today.